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ASR: It is apparent that a good deal of further consideration and experimentation will be required before packwood criteria can be free

Layer 0 - shape (48 X 32 X 8)

ASR: It is apparent that a good deal of further consideration and experimentation will be required before i could criteria can be free

ASR: It is apparent that a good deal of further consideration and experimentation will be required before i could criteria can be free

Layer 1 - shape (24 X 16 X 16)

ASR: Is that parents a good deal of further consideration and experimentation will be required before packwood criteria can be free

ASR: As a parent had deal of further consideration and experimentation will be required before i could crack units in the fray

Layer 2 - shape (12 X 8 X 32)

ASR: Is it parents and good deal of further consideration and experimentation will be required before packwood criteria can be fray

ASR: Is that parents and good deals to consideration and experimentation will be required for packwood criteria can be free

Layer 3 - shape (6 X 4 X 64)

ASR: Is it parents a good deal for her consideration and experimentation will be required before actually criteria to the fray

ASR: Iit is apparent that ideal it a consideration and experimentation will be required to flop acrid criteria can be free

Layer 5 - shape (1 X 128)

ASR: Hey that’s him and it’s it’s it’s been thirty years the stage is set for return is that how that money to

ASR: Get your hands drinking and universal as long as leftist and taken as jim come and get to in contact hard candies in that thing