ASR: It is apparent that a good deal of further consideration and experimentation will be required before packwood criteria can be free
Layer 0 - shape (48 X 32 X 8)
ASR: It is apparent that a good deal of further consideration and experimentation will be required before packwood criteria can be free
ASR: As a parent that a good deal of further consideration and experimentation will be required for packwood criteria can be free
Layer 1 - shape (24 X 16 X 16)
ASR: As a parent that a good deal of further consideration and experimentation will be required before i could criteria can be free
ASR: It is apparent that a good deal of trying a consideration and experimentation will be required to forget it prettier you can be free
Layer 2 - shape (12 X 8 X 32)
ASR: Is it carries a good deal further consideration and experimentation will be required before actually criteria kenny fray
ASR: As a parent to good deal further consideration and experimentation will be required before i could cry tears in twenty three
Layer 3 - shape (6 X 4 X 64)
ASR: Is it carries a good deal for consideration and experimentation will be required before past the criteria candy fray
ASR: He’s a garrett’s anxiety ultra consideration and experimentation building clamor for packwood criterion of the fray
Layer 5 - shape (1 X 128)
ASR: I hated her fifth of service for senate city at the fire had happened to the king
ASR: You try hang on don’t lost could hits to the nurse at and put his name what are her children at that instant ago