Virtual Bass Enhancement Via Music Demixing

Audio Samples

The following audio samples are provided as supplementary material for the article Virtual Bass Enhancement Via Music Demixing, authored by R. Giampiccolo, A. I. Mezza, A. Bernardini, and A. Sarti, and published in IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 30, pp. 908-912, 2023.

The songs considered for the perceptual test are:
The tracks included in the perceptual test are so generated:

Audio Samples






Crossover Network
Moliner et al.
Proposed Method

Results of the Perceptual Test

We ran a perceptual test employing a web-based software compliant with different ITU protocols [1]. In particular, we modified the tool for performing a Mean Opinion Score (MOS) test (ITU-T Rec. P.800.1). The listeners were asked first to rate excerpts (12 s long) of the songs listed above on a scale of 1 (Bad) to 5 (Excellent) as far as Basic Audio Quality (BAQ) is concerned (Test 1). Then, they were asked to rate the very same tracks on the same scale as far as bass enhancement is concerned (Test 2).

Test 1 - Basic Audio Quality (BAQ)
Test 1 - Basic Audio Quality (BAQ)

Test 2 - Bass Enhancement
Test 2 - Bass Enhancement